EPA Releases Small Entity Guidance Plan for LCRR

Important Update


On June 28, 2023 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a guidance plan and factsheet to assist small water systems in their compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) inventory compliance. All community water systems and non-transient non-community waster systems must submit their initial inventory to the local state primacy agency by October 16, 2024. Below are links for the guidance plan and factsheet as well as other helpful webpages.

Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert

Non-SDGE - Incident Alert Contractor Safety Services Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert Non-SDGE Event - Incident Alert - Fatality - 19JULY2023 ACTIVITY: Crew was working on a solar project. INCIDENT SUMMARY: A local flagging contractor experienced a terrible...

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