2022/2023 Severe Winter Storm Impact Survey


California Rural Water Association (CRWA) staff has been in the field meeting with utilities throughout state during these extreme weather events. The majority have had similar comments dealing with infrastructure issues and the availability of resources and emergency planning. It is very difficult to do one without the other. So, CRWA’s goal is to try and get resources (money) both increased and, in some cases, reallocated in a way that provides a pathway for preparedness planning and implementation for our rural and midsized communities in a timelier manner that will allow the utilities to address issues quickly and safely.

CRWA is reaching out to our membership to document the infrastructure issues that have occurred during these unusual weather patterns. These unexpected events can often create infrastructure issues/failures and highlight the need for resources for our communities in need of infrastructure funding. Or possibly resources such as generators and other equipment to be sustainable during these conditions. We are looking for examples of everything from flooding has caused a lagoon or levy breach, you have flooding issues with a well or water source, an intake structure has been taken out due to flooding or high water, pump station failures, or extended power failures, communication issues related to lack of cell service and communications, emergency response, power generation issues, potential water quality and public health issues, etc. The goal with the gathering of this information is to be able to demonstrate to the various funding sources, both state and federal, the need for allocating resources to these specific issues and that these funds be made accessible in a timelier manner. Please include a short summary or explanation of your situation and if possible, include pictures as the old saying goes pictures are worth 1,000 words.

CRWA will utilize your information in creating a report to work with the state and federal agencies to possibly refine and redesign how infrastructure funding can be allocated. CRWA is working to make the prioritization of distribution of funds based on individual utility needs and threat to public health. CRWA is also promoting the restructuring of the amounts given, how they are allocated, and redefine the timeliness of some of the programs. Together we can draw attention to the issues facing our community utilities at times like these and work towards tailoring existing or possibly creating new funding programs that will address the issues in a more efficient and timely manner.

Please complete our brief survey or you may direct your information to Ruby Brungess at rbrungess@calruralwater.org.

CRWA will need all the information we can get, and I know this effort will take some of your valuable time, but my hopes are with good participation from our members, there are over 1,100 of you, we can create a report that will clearly and graphically demonstrate the need for some changes and then work with the agencies to move those changes forward. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at the office.


Dan DeMoss
Executive Director

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