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Operator Examination Testing
The State Water Resources Control Board (the State Water Board) offers computer-based testing year-round. Notification of testing dates and centers will be sent electronically to the email address listed on your application.
Eligibility for a Water or Wastewater exam varies depending on the grade level you are testing for.
Minimum Qualifications for Water Treatment and Distribution Examination & Certification
Exam Applications
Drinking Water Treatment Exam Application
Water Distribution Operator Exam Application
Wastewater Treatment Exam Application
T5 Treatment Exam Application (oral)
Information from the State Water Resources Control Board Operator (SWRCB)
SWRCB Newsbreaks
Minimum Qualification for Water Operator Certification Requirements by Grade Level
Grade Level One
- Water Treatment Exam: High School diploma or GED
- Water Distribution Exam: High School diploma or GED
- Certification (Both): Successful completion of the Grade D1 examination within the three years prior to submitting certification application.
Grade Level Two
- Water Treatment Exam: High School diploma or GED & One 3-Unit (or 36 hour) course specialized training covering fundamentals of drinking water treatment
- Water Distribution Exam: High School diploma or GED & One 3-Unit (or 36 hour) course specialized training covering fundamentals of water supply principles
- Certification (Both): Successful completion of the Grade D2 examination within the three years prior to submitting certification application.
Grade Level Three
- Water Treatment Exam: High School diploma or GED & Two 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that include at least one course in drinking water treatment and a second course in either drinking water treatment, distribution, or wastewater treatment.
- Water Distribution Exam: Current D2 Certification & Two 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that includes at least one course in the fundamentals of water supply principles and a second course in either drinking water distribution, treatment, or wastewater treatment.
- Certification (Both): Successful completion of the Grade 3 examination within the three years prior to submitting certification application AND at least one year of operator experience working as a like certified Grade 2 operator for a like Grade 2 system or higher (Treatment: This may be substituted with (3) below) AND At least one additional year of operator experience working as a distribution or treatment operator. This may be substituted with: Distribution (1) or (2) below; Treatment (1), (2), or (4) below.
Grade Level Four
- Water Treatment Exam: Current T3 Certification & Three 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that include at least two courses in the fundamentals of drinking water treatment and a third course in either drinking water treatment, distribution, or wastewater treatment.
- Water Distribution Exam: Current D3 Certification & Three 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that includes at least two courses in the fundamentals of water supply principles and a third course in either drinking water distribution, treatment, or wastewater treatment.
- Certification (Both): Successful completion of the Grade 4 examination within the three years prior to submitting the application for certification AND At least one year of operator experience working as shift or chief operator, while a Grade 3 certified like operator at a like Grade 3 facility or higher (Treatment: This may be substituted with (3) below) AND At least three additional years of operator experience working as a certified treatment operator. This may be substituted with: Distribution – (1) or (2) below; Treatment (1) or (4) below.
Grade Level Five
- Water Treatment Exam: Current T4 Certification & Four 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that include at least two courses in drinking water treatment and two additional courses in either drinking water treatment, distribution, or wastewater treatment.
- Water Distribution Exam: Current D4 Certification & Four 3-unit (or 36-hour) courses of specialized training that includes at least two courses in the fundamentals of water supply principles and two additional courses in either drinking water distribution, treatment, or wastewater treatment.
- Certification (Both): Successful completion of the Grade T5 examination within the three years prior to submitting the application for certification AND At least two years of operator experience working as a shift or chief operator, while a certified T4 operator at a Grade 4 like facility or higher. There are no substitutions. AND At least three additional years of operator experience working as a certified like operator. This may be substituted with: Distribution – (1) or (2) below; Treatment (1) or (4) below.
Experience Substitutions
- A relevant degree earned at an accredited academic institution may be substituted as follows:
- Associate’s Degree or Certificate in Water or Wastewater Technology that includes at least 15 units of physical, chemical, or biological science may be used to fulfill 1 year of operator experience.
- Bachelor’s Degree in engineering or in physical, chemical, or biological sciences (e.g. Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Microbiology, Public Health, or Sanitary Engineering) may be used to fulfill 1.5 years of operator experience.
- Master’s Degree in the above mentioned fields in (b) may be used to fulfill 2 years of operator experience.
- A certified operator may substitute, on a day-for-day basis, experience gained while working with lead responsibility for water quality related projects of research (e.g. pilot plant).
- If an applicant has a Bachelor’s or Master’s of Science degree, completion of a comprehensive operator training program, pursuant to Section 63800(h), may be substituted for the required experience.
- Experience gained as a certified wastewater treatment operator may be used to substitute up to 2 years of the experience requirement. Wastewater treatment operator experience is credited on a two-for-one basis (i.e. 2 months in wastewater=1 month in drinking water).
Minimum Qualification for Wastewater Examination & Certification by Grade Level
Grade Level One
- Education: High School diploma or GED & 6 Educational Points*
- Experience: 1 year of full-time qualifying experience
Grade Level Two
Option One
- Education: High School diploma or GED & 9 Educational Points*
- Experience: 18 months of full-time qualifying experience as a Grade 1 Operator
Option Two
- Education: High School diploma or GED & 12 Educational Points*
- Experience: 2 years of full-time qualifying experience as a Grade 1 Operator
Option Three
- Education: Associate’s degree or higher or a minimum of 60 college semester units, including 15 semester units of science courses
- Experience: 1 year of full-time qualifying experience
Grade Level Three
Option One
- Education: High School diploma or GED & 12 Educational Points*
- Experience: 3 years of full-time qualifying experience as a Grade II operator
Option Two
- Education: High School diploma or GED & 18 Educational Points*
- Experience: 4 years of full-time qualifying experience
Option Three
- Education: Associate’s degree or a minimum of 60 college semester units, including a minimum of 15 semester units of science courses
- Experience: 2 years of full-time qualifying experience
Option Four
- Education: Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree, including a minimum of 30 semester units of science courses
- Experience: 1 year of full-time qualifying experience
Grade Level Five
Option One
- Education: High school diploma or GED & 48 Educational Points*
- Experience: 10 years of full-time qualifying experience
Option Two
- Education: Associate’s degree or a minimum of 60 college semester units, including a minimum of 15 semester units of science courses
- Experience: 6 years of full-time qualifying experience
Option Three
- Education: Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree, including a minimum of 30 semester units of science courses
- Experience: 5 years of full-time qualifying experience
Option Four
- Education: Valid registration as a chemical, civil, or mechanical engineer issued by the California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors or by another state, a territory, or an Indian tribe
- Experience: 4 years of full-time qualifying experience
Experience Substitutions
- One three-unit semester course completed as part of the curriculum of an accredited college or university is equal to eight educational points. Operators who have completed courses that result in more or less than three units or in quarter units rather than semester units shall be credited with educational points on a prorated basis.
- One Continuing Education Unit awarded by a professional association, or other nonprofit private or public agency is equal to one educational point.
- For any other course given approval by the Office of Operator Certification, ten classroom hours are equal to one educational point.
California State Water Resources Control Board