PPE Give Away

PPE Give Away

By: Jordan Faulhaber, California Rural Water Association


California Rural Water Association has always strived to support and provide assistance to water and wastewater utilities. It is our desire to get the best resources for our members, and thanks to the Office of Emergency Services we had the opportunity to do just that; share personal protective equipment (PPE) with our members, for free. Starting this September CRWA started a give-a-way of care packages, each containing 2 boxes of face masks and 4 bottles of hand sanitizer. These items are in high demand and can be frustratingly hard to come by so when this idea for the care packages was formulated, it had everyone at CRWA very excited. In early September we started an email blast to get the word out to all of our current members and systems. We were contacted by over 200 different systems and the care packages were personally delivered by our Circuit Riders in the month of October. With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic wearing on all of us, being able to connect with so many of our members was wonderful, even at 6ft away. We still have a few more packages so if you’re interested please give us a call. Packages are limited to one per system.


PPE Pacakages are still available!

Email jfaulhaber@calruralwater.org to request yours today.

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