Systems manage a wide variety of challenges. Regulations, rate studies, customer service, training and so much more. Through system visits and input from CRWA membership, it is clear that small systems struggle to meet all of the challenges with very limited staffing and funding options. SUSP has been created to fill that gap.
SUSP is an internal CRWA program that is able to provide both short and long term solutions to Utilities. SUSP has the flexibility and staffing to provide planned services by experienced operators and managers at very competitive prices. Staff have years of experience in the field, and hold State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) certifications in treatment and distribution, and wastewater plant operations.
Service Options
The following services are available through SUSP:
Wastewater System Contract Operations
We offer complete wastewater system operations and maintenance for municipal, industrial and commercial systems located in California. We have extensive experience in both conventional and package wastewater system operations and maintenance. Let our experienced staff of certified wastewater operators help you minimize operating costs and increase the efficiency and reliability of your wastewater system. The following is a list of some of the services we provide:
- Wastewater utility management and advisory services
- All required compliance reporting
- Treatment and collections system maintenance
- NPDES reporting
Water System Contract Operations
We have a wide range of staff with SWRCB certifications in treatment and distribution to help you meet the challenges of operating your public water supply. We currently provide contract operations to a variety of systems from large municipalities to small private utilities. Let our extensive experience and knowledge help you minimize operating costs and increase efficiency and reliability of your water system. The following is a list of some of the services we provide:
- Water utility management and advisory services
- Water quality sample collections
- Valve and Hydrant Maintenance
- Surface Water Treatment Rule Reporting
- Meter Reading and maintenance
- System Flushing
- Compliance reporting
Utility Rate Studies
SUSP will perform an analysis of, and provide recommendations on, the System’s rates. The overall goal of a rate study is to determine appropriate rates and rate structure that will produce the desired revenue to fund a System’s budget; CIP reserves or depreciation reserves; and any other designated reserves or accounts that the staff, management and board agree upon. SUSP will determine the rates and structure using information provided by the System liaison, and in accordance with the System’s current policies on utility rates and fees. SUSP can attend Board Meetings as well as assist, when and if needed, with any Prop 218 meetings.
Median Household Income (MHI) Surveys
MHI Surveys may be conducted for a drinking water/wastewater System when it is believed that the current income data provided for the System’s service area by ACS census sources are inaccurate, and that revised income data may lead to eligibility for certain funding. A System will need to get approval from the funding agency to have an income survey conducted. SUSP will conduct a thorough survey using guidelines provided by the requesting funding agency, and will prepare a comprehensive report of its findings for both the System and funding agency.
Service Fees
SUSP fees are determined by the type of service needed; services like Contract Operations, Rate Studies or MHI’s need to be priced on an individual basis due to certain factors related to each of those services.
Contact Us
For more information or if you are interested in getting a quote, contact us at 916-553-4900 or SUSP will provide price quotes to you as well as onsite evaluations as the need is determined.
For Rate Study and MHI Survey questions please contact Nicole Cook at (916) 553-4900 or