Fall Wastewater Operator Certification Exam Has Been Cancelled

A message from the State Water Resources Control Board

As a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency, and the guidance released by Governor Newsom to limit gatherings to 10 people or less while social distancing, the Fall 2020 Wastewater Operator Certification Examination has been cancelled.  The State Water Resources Control Board understands this decision along with the cancellation of the Spring 2020 examination will, and has had, negative impacts on the water industry. Therefore, the State Water Resources Control Board is working to implement Operator Certification Computer Based Testing (CBT) in early 2021.

All examinees who were approved and scheduled for the Fall 2020 Wastewater examination will automatically be approved to schedule a testing opportunity upon the implementation of Operator Certification CBT.  As the State Water Resources Control Board moves further into implementing Operator Certification CBT additional communication will be provided to each candidate regarding any refunds of the Spring/Fall 2020 examination fees paid and any costs owed for testing fees for Operator Certification CBT.

Understanding that early 2021 is five months minimum to wait for the opportunity to test for/obtain operator certification, the State Water Resources Control Board is currently working to identify any viable options to assist those who may have emergency examination needs (e.g., compliance with waste discharge orders, etc.) to take a Wastewater Operator Certification Examination in the Fall.  Therefore, if your wastewater treatment plant has an emergency need for a Wastewater Operator Certification examination to be administered, please inform the Wastewater Operator Certification Program by sending the following information to the  wwopcertprogram@waterboards.ca.gov e-mail address:

1. Name of Examinee

2. Grade Level of Exam Needed

3. Wastewater System Location

4. Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor Contact Information (Name, Phone Number & E-mail Address)

5. Emergency Need

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented circumstances.

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