Water Competency
The Possibilities are Limitless

Attendee Registration Now Open
April 28 – May 1, 2025
Classes: Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino & Resort
Highway 50 at Stateline Ave.
Lake Tahoe, NV 89449
Tel: (775) 588-6611
Ceasars Harveys Lake Tahoe
Vendor Show: Harrah’s Lake Tahoe
15 Highway 50 at Stateline Ave.
Stateline, NV 89449
Exhibitor Registration ONE DAY ONLY available.
Though our booths are sold out, dont miss out on the fun! Register to attend or Exhibit Day (see attendee registration form), only $125.00 per person, group discounts available!
Join us at the 2025 Education & Exhibitor Show at Harrah’s South Lake Tahoe, our show will be on Wednesday, April 30, 2025, at the beautiful Harrah’s Convention Center.
Register to walk the Exhibit floor! Booths are sold out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t attend all the fun, excitement, and networking!
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact; Candice Jackson at 916.283.8502 or email candicej@calruralwater.org.

The Annual CRWA Scholarship Program – Application Deadline Extended
The Annual CRWA Scholarship Program is now open! The four possible awards for the AWE scholarship are; two awards towards any AWE Course(s) provided by CRWA, including lodging and a food stipend, or two awards towards the CRWA Apprenticeship Program.
Scholarship Application Information
Please see the information below for the downloadable application. The application can be faxed to 916-553-4904, or sent to CRWA, 1234 North Market Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95834. Applications will be accepted from November 1, 2024, through April 10, 2025. The scholarships will be awarded at the Annual Banquet to be held on Tuesday, April 29, 2025, at Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino & Resort, applicants do not need to attend the EXPO conference to receive a scholarship, but attendance at the conference is highly recommended.
We are accepting applications for our scholarship until April 1, 2025. To apply, click the button above.

Do You Think You Have The Best Tasting Water in California?
Judges will sample the entries based on clarity, bouquet, and taste. The initial round of tastings will narrow down the competition to three finalists. The final round of the taste test will take place at the Rural Water Taste Test Luncheon on Tuesday, April 29, 2025. The finalist and the winner will be announced at the CRWA Awards Banquet that evening. The winning system’s water will have the opportunity to represent California at the Great
American Water Taste Test in Washington D.C. in February 2026!
Please complete the section below and submit it to the CRWA Resource Development Department by April 25, 2025, or bring it to the Expo along with your water sample. Please print clearly so we know whose name to announce at the Awards Banquet.
The Operator of the Year Nominations

This is your chance to brag about your system’s personnel! Do you have a water and/or wastewater operator who goes above and beyond to excel in their management of your water system? If so, we want to know about them and give them the recognition they deserve for being the best in the business! Each CRWA member system can submit one nomination in each field. Selection of winners will be based on a submitted example of how the nominee has contributed to the system’s operations and demonstrated their commitment to the system and its constituents. Information about the nominee’s achievements both within and outside of the system, as well as letters of recommendation, will also be considered during the selection process. This is a great way to honor your exemplary water and/or wastewater operator!
The nomination form(s) and supporting documentation must be received by the CRWA office no later than April 10, 2025. CRWA management will select this year’s award recipients on the basis of the nomination materials received and processed. Award recipients will be notified on or before April 18, 2025.
Please send your registraion form in to Candice Jackson via email at; candicej@calruralwater.org, mail to; California Rural Water Assocaition, 1234 N. Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834, or fax to 916.553.4904
2024 Exhibitors