CalWarn Gives Cloth Mask Away

CalWARN Commodity Point-of-Distribution (CPOD) Application & Scheduling System

FEMA through a joint effort of US EPA and CalWARN/CWA with assistance from CA-NV AWWA and the SWRCB – Division of Drinking Water (DDW), are establishing Commodity Points of Distribution (CPODS), throughout the state to distribute PPE to the Water/Waste Water Sector. The first phase of this effort is the distribution of “Cloth” masks specifically for water utility personnel. They will have a life of 15 washes. Each utility will be able to order 2 masks per employee. (Fully Follow Instructions Below):

To meet this challenge CalWARN has established this page to allow all water systems to place their order for the current, and future, rounds of PPE. Some key points of this program are:

  1. You will need to have some information gathered and ready before place your order. The items are starred here (All items with a star, must be completed or your order will not be processed):
  2. How to place your order.
    • Gather the information identified in the form shown on the right.
    • From the list below, find the county in which your water / wastewater agency is primarily located.
    • Click the “Go to registry” link on the same line as your county name, complete the form and submit, which will submit your request to the co-chairs for your region.
    • One of the co-chairs for the region will review and calculate the quantity of items that can be allocated at this time.
    • Once approved, the co-chair will send you an email to confirm the amount you can receive and the email will include a link that you can use to choose the location where you can pick-up your items and the appointment system will provide the date / time slots, that are available at that location to ensure the proper social distancing. (During periods when no product is available, you may receive the initial approval email without the link, and the link to the appointment scheduling system will be sent later, when product is available for pick up.)
      • Pick your order location and time
      • For systems far away from a CPOD location: It is advised that you coordinate with the other utilities in your area and have one utility pick up all orders on the same day. This will require some coordination in advance, so you may want to do that now, before you place your order. If you have any questions, contact the Regional Chair for your Region # (Region identified in the table below)

This is an unprecedented situation in our state and the efforts by the water sector are critical. We will do everything in our power to meet your needs, but please be patient with us and our State and Federal partners. This hasn’t been done before and we are doing everything in our power to make this as smooth as possible. For you and our volunteer agencies and staff.

Follow this link to CalWARN’s homepage to register and receive cloth masks.


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