Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert

Non-SDGE – Incident Alert

Contractor Safety Services
Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert
Non-SDGE Event – Incident Alert – Fatality – 19JULY2023

ACTIVITY: Crew was working on a solar project.

INCIDENT SUMMARY: A local flagging contractor experienced a terrible incident where a random stranger driving by the jobsite offered two flaggers bottled water due to the high heat temperatures. Apparently, the water bottles given to the flaggers were laced with Fentanyl.

STATUS: Sadly, one of the flaggers died and the other is in critical condition after ingesting the water.


  • Provide the entire crew with an adequate amount of water and shade options, especially when the temperatures are high.
  • Advise employees to not accept any outside liquids, food, or any other items from strangers to ensure their own safety from outside hazards or contaminants.

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